These small ads work well on an ongoing basis and are not designed for special offers or promotions.

61 x 66mm, CMYK jpeg, tif, png, pdf etc with all fonts converted to curves


PayPal: Buy 1/6 Page Ad PayPal: Buy 1/6 Page Ad 3 months PayPal: Buy 1/6 Page Ad x 6

38.00 x 3 = 114.00

35.00 x 6 = 210.00

Upload Artwork

1/6 Page1/4 Page1/3 Page1/2 Page2/3 PageFull PageDouble Page

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These small ads work well on an ongoing basis and are not designed for special offers or promotions.

92 x 66mm, CMYK jpeg, tif, png, pdf etc with all fonts converted to curves


PayPal: Buy 1/4 Page Ad PayPal: Buy 1/4 Page Ad 3 months PayPal: Buy 1/4 Page Ad x 6

52.00 x 3 = 156.00

48.00 x 6 = 288.00

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These ads work well on an ongoing basis and are also designed for the use of QR codes and ongoing special deals

PORTRAIT 124 x 66mm • LANDSCAPE 135 x 61mm

CMYK jpeg, tif, png, pdf etc with all fonts converted to curves


PayPal: Buy 1/3 Page Ad PayPal: Buy 1/3 Page Ad 3 months PayPal: Buy 1/3 Page Ad x 6

62.00 x 3 = 186.00

58.00 x 6 = 348.00

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These ads work well on an ongoing basis and are also designed for the use of QR codes and special deals

PORTRAIT 197 x 66mm • LANDSCAPE 135 x 92mm

CMYK jpeg, tif, png, pdf etc with all fonts converted to curves


PayPal: Buy 1/2 Page Ad PayPal: Buy 1/2 Page Ad 3 months PayPal: Buy 1/2 Page Ad x 6

85.00 x 3 = 255.00

80.00 x 6 = 480.00

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These ads work well on an ongoing basis and are designed for special offers or promotions possibly with matching editorial or QR codes.

135 x 124mm, CMYK jpeg, tif, png, pdf etc with all fonts converted to curves


PayPal: Buy 2/3 Page Ad PayPal: Buy 2/3 Page Ad 3 months PayPal: Buy 2/3 Page Ad x 6

100.00 x 3 = 300.00

95.00 x 6 = 570.00


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FULL PAGE ADVERT (Bled and Non Bled)

These ads work well on an ongoing basis and are designed for special offers or promotions possibly with matching editorial or QR codes.

NON-BLED: 135 x 197mm, CMYK jpeg, tif, png, pdf etc with all fonts converted to curves  • BLED PAGE: 158 x 220mm with all textual matter 7mm INSIDE A5 page size (148 x 210mm)  Artwork supplied with no bleed or inset will be treated as a non bled page


PayPal: Buy Full Page Ad PayPal: Buy Full Page Ad 3 months PayPal: Buy Full Page Ad x 6

140.00 x 3 = 420.00

130.00 x 6 = 780.00

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These ads work well on an ongoing basis and are designed for special offers or promotions possibly with matching editorial or QR codes.

307 x 220mm, CMYK jpeg, tif, png, pdf etc with all fonts converted to curves  with all textual matter 7mm INSIDE A4 page size (297 x 210mm)  Artwork supplied with no bleed or inset will be rejected. Please try to avoid blocks of body text crossing the mid line.


PayPal: Buy Double Page Ad PayPal: Buy Double Page Ad 3 months PayPal: Buy Double Page Ad x 6

270.00 x 3 = 810.00

250.00 x 6 = 1500.00

Upload Artwork Back to Top

Below you will find sample ads of all sizes available. You can see the specifications for the ad and also you can click to buy an ad. By clicking to buy you are agreeing to buy the ad space for whatever duration you choose and can make payment by credit/debit card. We will then contact you to finalise your ad and complete the space order form. There is also a button to upload your artwork if you have any. Please DO NOT upload artwork here if you do not buy your ad from this page. If you wish to buy an Olympic Package please fill in an enquiry form on the contact page and we will get back to you by return.  Costs shown do not include VAT as we are NOT VAT registered. So; just to be clear -  the price you pay will be the prices shown without VAT making us 20% less expensive for a lot of advertisers. Once you have done this please return here and go to the Space Order Form (under Sample Ads above) and fill in the form as best you can so that we can start to plan your advertising.


All adverts and events must be submitted to me by the 12th of the month prior to advertising. Payment all adverts must be paid by the 12th of the month prior to advertising in full, see prices for deals over 3 and 6 months.

Take advantage of our Free Editorial Feature for ½ page ads or larger (subject to 3 months or more bookings)

All adverts to be supplied as...CMYK-LIFE SIZE-300dpi JPEG, TIF, EPS, PSD, PNG or PDF with fonts converted to curves.

Adverts emailed should be sent to … wendycwarren@hotmail.co.uk containing advertiser’s name advert size and date.

Payments accepted by cash, cheque, direct debit or PayPal. No credit is given to advertisers.

The publisher is not liable for any delay in production and/or distribution in the event fire or flood, or an act of God, strikes or any condition beyond the Publishers control affecting distribution.

The advertiser will indemnify the Publisher against any loss or expense arising out of publication from such advertisements including without limitation, those resulting from claims or suite for libel, violations or rights of privacy, plagiarism and copyright infringement.

The publisher reserves the right to refuse artwork, adverts and editorials.

The publisher will not guarantee  positions for advertising other than the front and back cover.

Telephone bookings are subject to the same conditions as written bookings.


“Local Advertising at its Best!”

Website designed by Paul Bugge -  PL7 2012

Welcome to the Warren Publishing PL7 website. Here you will find access to all our advertising magazines.  You can also find out  about our fantastic competitions and our new QR Codes - the future of advertising!

Click the cover to see this months PL7 magazine on-line!

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PL7 Magazine now includes Plymtalk

Email: info@PL7magazine.co.uk